On our way back to Medford we had a bubble blowing contest. I would have to say that Travis and Dixie tied, they blew the biggest bubbles. We didn't think we would be able to go to Utah because business has been really slow and we didn't have enough money. Carrie really want to come with us and we didn't want to let her down so knowing that she was helping us with gas we thought we might be able to pull it off. We ended spending $4000 on our trip to Utah including gas and getting our transmission fixed. If we knew our trip was going to be so expensive I don't think we would have gone. Thanks to Mom, Dad, Jenn, Dixie and Traci's help with driving, gas and food we didn't have to spend more than that. Even though traveling was miserable, I'm glad that we have family who care enough to help us out and make our trip a little easier. We love you guys and I want to thank you for going out of your way for us. We had lots of fun and can't wait to see you at the end of the month.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Bubble Blowing Contest
Friday, March 28, 2008
Our Last Day
On our last day I was able to spend time with my little sister Becky. The last time I saw Becky was three years ago so I was very happy to spend time with her. Becky was nice enough to give me acrylic nails and also make my toe nails look good for summer. Becky I just want you to know that I love you very much and I'm so glad that you were able to stop by and visit with me even though it was such a short visit. If you ever need someone to talk to please call me! We need to communicate more because you are important to me and I don't want you to be a stranger to us. Allison was so cute with Olivia, she loved watching her and even changed her dirty diapers.
On our last night with my parents they took us out to eat at Texas Road House and then we came home and played Rock Band until midnight. We had a good time spending some one on one time with my parents. I'm so thankful for them and the help they have given us throughout our marriage. We love you guys!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Skiing at Brighton
Travis taught Lexie and her cousin Whitney how to ski and before he knew it they were skiing around on their own and having a great time. Wayne tried snowboarding for his first time a broke his wrist on the fifth run down the hill. Everyone had fun and Wayne was the only one who got injured. I hope that Wayne feels better soon!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Sunday
I wish Becky could have been in this picture and then this picture would have all us sisters together. I hope that we can all get together someday soon! It is so hard to live so far away from all of you. My nieces and nephews hardly know me and that makes me so sad. That is why this blog is so important to me because I get to share pieces of my life with you and hopefully you won't forget who I am.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Mom and Dad to the Rescue
Mom and Dad were nice enough to pick up the Skabelund's fifteen passenger van and drive six hours to Winnemucca to pick us up and then turn around and drive us the rest of the way to Utah.
Our first day in Utah our best friends Jeff and Holly came to visit us at my parents house. We played rock band for a while and then met them for dinner at Lone Star. After dinner we went to Steve and Mandy's house we had so much fun just talking. One of Mandy's dogs really loved Travis and was licking his hands and doing other things I wont mention, it was pretty funny! Mandy, thank you so much for letting us hang out at your house and visit with you. If your ever get a blog be sure to let me know. We had tons of fun and we are glad we got to spend some time with our friends!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Trip to Utah
Hangin' out in Utah
We are still in Utah and will be home by Monday. We had a hard time getting here because our van's transmission went out just outside of Winnemucca. I will post pictures and write more details about our trip when I get home. We have been having lots of fun with friends and family and we hope to have a safe trip home.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
How Do You Like It?
I painted my family room today because I needed a change. I was tired of the dark color on my walls so I painted it a lighter color. The color is khaki and I love it! This is a sample of the carpet we are carpeting our whole house with. Do you like it?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa Warnick came by to visit us this morning. Madison and Bryson were being shy like always so I didn't get many pictures of them with their Great Grandparents. I'm watching Chase today and he wasn't afraid to give Great Grandma and Grandpa hugs. It was so nice visiting with them!
Monday, March 17, 2008
We are leaving for Utah next Friday for Spring Break to visit with family. It is so hard to come and see all the people we want to see in such a short time. We will try our hardest to see everyone and hopefully no one will feel upset or left out. We are excited to see everyone and hope to have a fun relaxing trip!
Travis has been nominated to receive an award from Brunswick Billiards in Cancun on the 21st of April. We don't know what the award is or why he is getting one, he was just told that he needed to be there to receive an award. This will be his second award in the last couple months. I'm so proud of Travis and how much he has accomplished in his business in such a short time. Travis will be gone until the 24th and will be home for my Birthday on the 25th. He will only be home for a day or two and then we will be off to Hawaii. April will be a crazy month!