I'm at that wonderful time in life I've always dreamed would come. My Lexie is old enough to babysit! Last night Travis took me out to see Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince. Lexie gave up going to the movie to stay home and watched the kids, so that I can go see Harry Potter. I'm not a movie person but this was a movie I was excited to see. It was so nice to go to the movie theater and actually watch a movie and not have to fight with Bryson the whole time. I love Harry Potter it was a great movie and I really enjoyed watching it!
When I came home everything was clean and the house was quiet. Lexie had made the kids dinner, cleaned my whole house, and had the kids doing a fun little activity in one of the rooms. It makes me so happy to know that our Lexie is responsible enough to not only watch the kids, but make them a nice dinner, clean the house, and play with them. When I walked in last night where the kids were playing, they were all sitting in a circle playing Duck Duck Goose with big smiles on their faces. Lexie is a great big sister and I want to thank her for her willingness to go the extra mile to make those around her happy. I love you Lexie!!