Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bryson Got Into Mom's Mascara
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sick Sick Sick!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sweet Surprise
I'm so Happy! For the longest time I have been craving a Cathy Bybee pumpkin roll. At all our YW meetings when talking about what dessert to make for activities I always suggest pumpkin rolls. This evening my dear friend Cathy Bybee (maker of the worlds best pumpkin rolls) just made my whole week by surprising me with this most amazing pumpkin roll. Even better she gave me the recipe to her amazing pumpkin rolls. Cathy knew that I was feeling a little down and under the weather and she took the time to put together this yummy treat to cheer me up. Thanks for thinking of me Cathy! You are a great friend and I love you!
Pumpkin Craft
Last night at Becky Mickelson's house we made a fun looking pumpkin out of pages from a book. I was going for a antique look but had a hard time making it look the way I envisioned it. I still had a whole lot of fun with the girls and always look forward to meeting with them every Thursday. The other pumpkin in the picture is one that Maddy made me last year during school. She made it using fabric, batting, roll of toilet paper, and a stick. I think it's super cute!
What you need for this project is a plastic pumpkin, old book, Mod Podge, paint, and paint bush. First rip the pages of your book into strips and then Mod Podge the torn page strips on your plastic pumpkin until it's covered. Once it's completely covered with torn pages from your book, Mod Podge over the entire pumpkin and let dry for ten minutes. Then paint you pumpkin with the color of your choice and your finished.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I was cleaning up my family room today and stepped on this tack. It went all the way into my foot and it hurt so bad! I remembered this same thing happened to my friend Anja when she was in my family room years ago. I remember how she didn't want anyone to pull it out and I laughed when she told me to take a picture of it before pulling it. I didn't want to pull the tack out of my foot because it hurt. When I finally got brave enough to do it, I grabbed it and removed it as fast as I could so it wouldn't hurt so bad! Now my foot is throbbing with pain.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Travis' Wolf Pack
These dogs are obsessed with Travis. As soon as he steps foot in the door, they are by his side. I don't blame them for wanting to be with Travis all the time because he is pretty amazing! It just really bugs me that they are always in the way when I want to be with him. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I don't like Travis' wolf pack, they drive me crazy!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Book Page Wreath
Last nights craft was book page wreaths. I was so excited to make this wreath. I thought it was a very cute idea! I went to Becky's house right after scouts and was there until 12:30. I had so much fun! I wasn't able to finish last night because I ran out of pages, so this morning I did my best to find a book with pages that matched the ones I used. The pages I added didn't match the other ones like I thought they did when I was putting them in, but I'm very happy with how it turned out.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Fall Swag Craft
My friend Becky Mickelson planned to get the girls together for a craft night at her house every Thursday night. I was so happy to hear that she was doing this because it's something I needed and would look forward to every week. That Thursday I went and bought my fabric and came home. I got cleaning and organizing my kids rooms and then I did something stupid, I tried to move a huge monitor and desk by myself and ruptured a disk in my back. OUCH! I have never had that much pain in my life! I couldn't stand, sit, or lie down. Travis had to wheel me into the hospital and they put me on pain pills and pills for nausea because pain pills make me sick. They told me that they believe I ruptured a disk in my back and wanted to do a MRI but I knew we couldn't afford to do one so I told them I wanted to go home and wait it out. When I got home I rested for a while and then Jeremy and Travis gave me a nice blessing and I believe that it's because of that blessing that I'm doing as well as I am today. Well back to the craft, I finally was able to make the fall swag that I was suppose to make the day I got injured. I think it turned out really cute and I'm excited for the craft we will be doing tomorrow!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Like A Lighthouse
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storms shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall. My friend Gwyn gave this wonderful lesson in YW and I have been thinking about it a lot over the past few days. It's important that we have a strong foundation! Just like this light house, when the waves of trials and temptation beat upon us we can stay strong and unyielding. That we may be a shining example to those who are lost at sea.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Organizing Bedrooms
I spent the whole day today organizing my kids rooms. I couldn't believe how much stuff my kids had. It was so crazy! I went and bought all the kids new bedding hoping it will get them excited to keep their rooms clean. The first picture is of Ethan and Bryson's room.
Maddy has a nice queen bed to herself. She also has one of the biggest rooms in the house.
The room Allison is in now use to be Travis' office. Allison was so happy to get her own room that she spent a day moving Travis' stuff out by herself. I went in the next day and tried to surprise her by moving Travis' computer and desk that was in the room. I ended up at the doctors with a back injury.
Lexie patiently waited for me to help her organize her little room and I was able to get it all done and finished by 10:00 Am. After helping the kids I cleaned the kitchen and did laundry. I hope I sleep good tonight after all my hard work!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
My Back Injury
Last Thursday I was cleaning and organizing the kids rooms. Allison had been wanting her own room. She spent a good part of Wednesday moving all Travis' stuff out of his office by herself so that she can move in. While she was at school on Thursday I decided to go and move the desk and computer out and surprise Allison with a new room. I picked up the monitor and went to put it down and I bent forward and OUCH! I hurt my back. It hurt to stand, sit, and lay down. I thought I was going to be a cripple for the rest of my life. I had never before experienced such pain. I called Travis and he came home and took me to the hospital. He wheeled me in and I sat there as he made my appointment. I didn't have my license with me and they wouldn't admit me until I had it, so Travis had to run home and get it. Meanwhile I had to sit there in the waiting room in a uncomfortable wheel chair for twenty minutes in extreme agony. I finally went in and saw the doctor. The pain was going down both my legs into my toes. They were sure that I ruptured a disk in my back and they wanted me to get a MRI. I told them that I didn't want a MRI because we couldn't afford to get one and that I wanted to go home and wait it out. The doctor gave me a bunch of pain medication and sent me home. The doctor said I wouldn't last 24 hours in the condition I was in and thought she would be seeing me again soon. When I got home a slept for a few hours and then Travis and Jeremy gave me a priesthood blessing. I know that it's because of that blessing that I'm feeling as well as I am today. I know that I didn't just pull my back out, I really injured it. Heavenly Father blessed me and my family. I didn't go through any more pain, I didn't have to get a MRI or possibly surgery that we couldn't afford. I know that Heavenly Father knows and loves me. I'm so thankful for the Priesthood and that I was able to receive a blessing. I'm so thankful to be a member of such a loving ward family, I'm thankful for sweet friends who brought my family meals and took care of me when I need help. I'm so very blessed!
My Bryson is Getting Big
I had fun in photo shop with one of Bryson's silhouette pictures. The bottom picture is of Bryson playing a game. This was the first time I have seen him play a game. I was walking past his bedroom door and I heard him having a conversation with someone. I looked in and saw him sitting there playing a Lego Star Wars game and talking to himself.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Yummy BBQ
Travis and I were so happy that Tim took time out of his busy life to come visit our family.
While Bryson watched Tim grill corn, I was watching Bryson and noticed his cute little profile on the fence. I just had to take a picture of his sweet little shadow.
This was the first time I ever had yellow watermelon. This was the yummiest tasting watermelon ever. It was very sweet and full of flavor!
It was a special treat to have our good friend Tim pampered our family tonight. He makes the best BBQ meals. One of Travis' employees goes fishing every year and he brings us back several pounds of Halibut. I'm not a fan of seafood, but Tim makes the best Halibut I have ever had!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
First Day of The 8Th Grade
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
First Day Of School
My kids were so happy to go to school this morning. I didn't even have to walk anyone to their classes. I just dropped them off and they jumped out of the car and didn't even look back.
When I picked them up after school they were smiling from ear to ear. They had a great first day! They love their teachers and met some new friends. I'm so glad they enjoy school!
Lexie spent her last day of summer rollerblading up and down our driveway with Maddy and her good friend Hannah VonStrahl. Lexie is very excited to start the 8th grade!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Maddy's Drawings
Maddy is becoming quite the little Artist. She drew these pictures a few months ago and I was amazed at how well she did. The first picture is of Medusa and the second is of a fairy. Keep up the good work Maddy!!