Friday, November 6, 2009

Project Runway

For Young Women and Excellence, the girls did a fashion show wearing everything that they loved. It was so fun to see how different each one of the girls dressed! We have great YW in our ward and I can't believe that my Lexie is one of them. She did such a great job strutting her stuff down the runway. I'm so blessed to have Lexie as my daughter. She is great at everything she sets her mind to do and I want her to know that I love her.

Lexie is wearing her dance metal because she loves to dance.
Tinkerbell pj's - They are cozy and Tinkerbell is her favorite Disney character.
Temple bag - She loves going to the temple.
Camera - Lexie loves taking pictures like her mom.
Christmas toe socks - Christmas is one of her favorite holidays.
Piano Belt - She loves playing the piano and hopes to play Somewhere In Time for her Nana and Mom someday.
Baby Doll - She loves babysitting not just for the money, she loves playing with the little ones.
Flip Flops - Reminds her of summer
Backpack - Lexie absolutely loves school.
Blue Shirt - Loves the color blue just like her eyes.
Green Scarf - green is also one of her favorite colors and reminds Lexie of her mom.
Pictures of Family - Lexie loves her family so much
Pictures of Friends - All of her friends are great examples and so fun to be with.
Wedged Shoes - They make her feel taller.
Book/Craft - She loves making crafts with her best friend Jacqueline.
Hedrick - Lexie goes to Hedrick middle school and is always earning Hedrick coins because she does her very best.
Drum Sticks - She loves playing the drums.


Jeff and Holly said...

So cute. I think I get it now. What a great way for the girls to show what they are all about. Lexi is one wonderful young women!

gwyn said...

Such great pictures! Thanks, Kathlene! You were right - it was just like Christmas: fun and over before I knew it. :) Thanks for all your help!

Sonnet said...

What a cute idea Ill have to keep that in mind for our New Beginnings.

Whitmer Family said...

What great Young Women we have...looks like a great night!