Thursday, August 19, 2010

The 3 Story Fort

Travis decided that he wanted to make the kids a fort with all the left over wood from his furniture store. He and Lexie have been working really hard on it for the past couple days in the hot 105 degree weather. It's going to be three stories high and going to be seen from McAndrews Rd. The kids are so excited to have a fort to play in!
While we were outside putting a wall to the fort together, Bryson was drawing some red eye browns on his face with permanent marker.

Bryson did help out a lot by handing Travis screws and helping him hold the boards while Travis put walls together.

Here is the first unfinished level of the kids fort.

Lexie is very good at using the chop saw! She cut a good majority of the boards to the fort.

Travis measured the boards and Lexie cut them.

1 comment:

families are forever said...

What an awesome family project!