Monday, June 20, 2011

Lexie and Caden Collins

 My best friend Holly has a son that is Lexie's age. Holly and I use to live by each other in Logan. We were always together. Her two boys and my two girls played very well together. Lexie and Caden were good little friends. Then in 2002 we moved to Layton. We lived in Layton for a year and then moved to Medford Oregon in 2003. After we moved to Oregon, our visits with the Collins were very few. Travis and I have been lucky to see them once a year! The kids have only seen each other twice since we moved from Logan. The lower picture of Lexie and Caden was taken in December of last year. I don't think Caden remembered Lexie, but it was fun getting them together after so many years.

1 comment:

Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

What a cute and beautiful young lady! Miss my Tuttie licious!!!