Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our New Bunnies

 Today we went to Big R to look at the animals and ended up bringing home two bunnies. We got two male bunnies and named the black and white one Moo and the Brown and tan bunny Snickers. The kids were so happy that they were able to take them home,
 Bryson with Snickers
Ethan and our new bunny Moo


Christy said...

We are set to move out by the 1oth of July. Do you want the info for the house? I know they allow a dog but not sure about other animals. They are really nice landlords and the house is pretty big.

Bean said...

I don't know what we are doing anymore. Travis was talking about staying in this house.

Christy said...

I really hope it works out for you! Let me know if you need it.