Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Little Mushmouths

My children absolutely love Marshmallows! Lately I have noticed my kids calling things the wrong name. I was making cookies with Maddy today and she told me that the shortening I was scooping up looked like melted Mushmellows. I thought the Girl Cheese Sandwiches thing was funny and now it's Mushmellows. What am I doing wrong? I must not speak clearly enough when talking to my kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

some people just hear it a certain way, and that's how they remember it. Don't feel bad though.... my coworker whom is 48, calls manila envelopes VANILLA, and she's thought that was right her entire life. So it can always be worse.
Like I always said take that out of the freezer so it can unthaw, uh unthawing means freeze it... never thought about it, but that's what my mom said.