Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting ready for the weekend

 Fourth of July Hair Wraps

 I cut Lexie's bangs yesterday and I she looks really cute with them!
 Bryson and Lexie saying hi to their shadows this morning.
 Ethan got his birthday present from his Grandma Skabelund  and he was very happy to get a nice birthday card filled with money. Thanks Grandma Skabelund!
 I had fun this afternoon panting the kids finger and toe nails for the fourth of July. I think they turned out really cute. The stars even glow in the dark. We are so festive!


Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...


Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

So freakin cute! What neat Ideas. You are all so creative. I will miss seeing my cute munchkins this year!