Friday, October 15, 2010

Bryson Stepped On A Nail

 Bryson was outside playing last night and stepped on a nail. I was worried because it was a nail from our really old fence that is falling down in our yard. I went and looked at his immunization card to see when he last had a tetanus shot. He was over due for one so this morning I took him in to get caught up.

 He had to get six vaccinations and they had to give him five shots. Two of the shots he got they told me were going to hurt him. I felt so bad that he had to get so many shots and I didn't want my little happy guy to be sad. He got his three shots and didn't make a sound. The last two shots were the ones that were going to hurt him. While the nurse was giving them to him, he didn't even shed a tear. He is such a brave little guy! I was so proud of him. When he got home Travis gave him a Iron Man glove that lights up and shoots darts. That little glove made my Bryson so happy! I told him that he got it because he was strong and brave just like Iron Man. I'm so glad that he is caught up on his shots and I don't have to worry about him getting Tetanus from the rusty nail he stepped on.


Savannah said...

What a brave kid! And boy is he getting cuter as every day passes!

Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

What a brave little man. He is getting so big. I would have for sure cried. I hate shots. :( What a cutie!