Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lexie's Honor Bee

 The Honor Bee charm was historically given
to young women who were willing to do
more than was required. To continue her
progress, a young woman who has earned
the Young Womanhood Recognition may
do additional work and earn an Honor Bee
to accompany her medallion.
Lexie earned her Honor Bee by reading the Book of Mormon again, and doing 40 hours of service and some of that service goes towards helping a young women with her personal progress.
To earn a Young Women's honor bee you need to read the Book of Mormon and do forty hours of service. It all started last summer, when Sister Johnson challenged us to read the Book of Mormon over summer break. She gave us a bookmark to help us read each day and that's how I finished the Book of Mormon. I also started taking pictures. I randomly had a crazy thing for photography after watching my mom's talent for photography. I thought about taking pictures of friends and families for my Bee. I did this and saw the beauty in others and the world around me. I also edited the pictures of them and put them on a CD. Then for a school project we had to do a certain number of leadership hours. I chose to make hats for the babies at Rogue Valley Hospital. I taught my sisters, mom, grandma and even my brother how to knit. We all got the chance to pitch in and each make a whole bunch of hats together. Together we made a total of fifty hats and delivered them to the hospital. It was nice to see them create the little hats and see the love and effort in their eyes. I'd like to bare my testimony that I know when we serve others we will be happy and will make other people happy as well. I know that when we reach out to others with love and try to comfort them, we will feel the spirit in our lives. I love reaching my goals and accomplishing the things I want to do. I know that I am not finished with my personal progress and not done with reading the scriptures and serving. I will continue to be a good example to others and continue to be faithful in the things that I do. Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations. Strive to be a good example and do the work of the Lord. You're testimony will be strengthened. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  -Lexie
 I'm so pleased with Lexie! She is such an amazing young lady. I hope that she continues to go above and beyond what is required of her. Lexie, I want you always remember who you are and that your Heavenly Father knows and love you. Continue to love and serve those around you. Love you ! -Mom

1 comment:

Just the Two of Us said...

Congrats Lexie. Uncle Aaron and I are both really Proud of you!