Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Weekend

 Lexie's going crazy with my camera. Lexie has that same love for taking pictures that I have and she's really good at it. I think I got my love for taking pictures from my dad. I remember my dad having a dark room when I was little. I thought it was so cool how pictures would magical appear on photo paper while being bathed in solution. Now we can take tons of pictures, preview, edit photos, and share them with friends and family through blogs, facebook, e-mail, phones, and internet. It's crazy! I hope Lexie continues to love photography.
 We got the kids a trampoline for Christmas and I they love it! They are out there all day playing games, learning new tricks, and just having fun. It may take up most of our back yard, but it is so worth having.
 Travis went to Toys-R- Us today and bought the kids laser guns. He got the guns on sale for $15 each. The kids have been having so much fun with them. It's almost as fun as laser tag at Boondocks.

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