Friday, September 11, 2009

Ranch Reaction

Our little Bryson loves ranch dressing! There's just one little problem, his face where the ranch has touched turns dark red. I don't know if I should stop giving him ranch or if this is something that happens to a lot of people. Does anyone know why this is happening? Am I a bad mom for giving my son something that causes his little face to have a reaction?


Lindsey said...

Brinley LOVES ranch too! Her face doesn't turn red like that though. I wonder if he is allergic to something in it?? I'm not sure but it may be worth mentioning to a doctor or something?

Sonnet said...

It looks like an allergy to me but I could be wrong.

nison (nic + allison) said...

It prob is an allergic reaction. Not many of us would look as cute as does with an allergic reaction.

Anonymous said...

Ranch dressing is one of the many that has a LOT of vinegar and spices.. they can cause rashes, since they are so acidic. I suspect that if he was allergic, he would get sores in his mouth and throat when he eats it.. if he doesn't then it's probably just the acid from the dressing reacting with his skin. If he's ok eating it, then I'd just try to keep it off his face, or wipe it off quickly so he doesn't rash. Hydrocortisone cream will help to. :)

Trina said...

Jesse, who has sensitive skin, had the same reaction to ranch when he was younger, but it didn't seem to bother him. I just made sure to wipe it off of his face when he was eating it.

Jeff and Holly said...

I sure hope that doesn't hurt! He sure looks cute!