Thursday, April 7, 2011

I love to Blog!

Starting May 1st, I'm gonna give this a whirl.
The idea is every day for 30 days you post something on your blog, in the following order:

1. A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
2. The meaning behind your blog name
3. A picture of you and your friends
4. A habit that you wish you didn’t have
5. A picture of somewhere you’ve been
6. Favorite super hero and why
7. A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
8. Short term goals for this month and why
9. Something you’re proud of in the past few days
10. Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
11. Another picture of you and your friends.
12. How you found out about blogs and why you made one.
13. A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
14. A picture of you and your family
15. Put your iPod on shuffle: first ten songs that play
16. Biggest pet peeves
17. Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
18. Plans/dreams/goals you have
19. Nicknames you have and why you have them
20. Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
21. A picture of something that makes you happy
22. What makes you different from everyone else
23. Something you crave a lot
24. A letter to your parents
25. What I would find in your bag
26. What you think about your friends
27. Why you are doing this 30 day challenge
28. A picture of you last year and now and how you have changed since then
29. In the past month, what have you learned
30. Who are you?

Anyone else dare to try??? Come on all you long lost bloggers! Facebook isn't that great.. and you can't print it out and save it for later!


families are forever said...

I am in , but I think I will adapt the list a little! PS

Love your blogs!

Anonymous said...

Way too go.. we need to get people back to the important stuff!!! Facebook is lame!

mama_g said...

I can't say I will be able to do it 30 days in a row but I think this is a fun idea.

Bean said...

I agree. Blogs are way better than facebook!