Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lithia Park

It was such a beautiful day today! The Dungan's called us after church today and invited us to go to Lithia Park with them. This was our families first time at this park and the kids had a blast.
The kids spent a good amount of time playing in the creek. All the kids were pretty good at staying dry except for Cameron, he was the only one who swam in the creek.

Everyone loves the rope pyramid! They all had a great time hanging around like monkeys on the ropes. Lexie and Travis were the only ones brave enough to climb to the top.

All the boys swinging together on the swings.

Me and my friend Christy


Robert and Jill said...

I enjoyed seeing all the pictures of everyone. Fun memories with family and friends. They are all getting so big. I miss all of you!

Jeff and Holly said...

That looks like SOOO much fun!