Friday, April 30, 2010

My New Glasses

I have been having a lot of bad headaches lately and so I went and got my eyes checked. The doctor said I needed glasses. He also said my pupils were large and he wanted me to get transition lenses to help protect my eyes from the sun. The lenses are so cool! They go dark in the sun and then when I'm out of the sun they look like normal lenses. I'm hoping these glasses put an end to my headaches!


Sonnet said...

That stinks you got laser eye surgery & ended up with glasses again! Ive never heard of getting big pupils & needing those type of glasses. Thats good you wont get headaches anymore!!

Anja said...

ya what's up with that "Miss I had laser eye surgery and now you have to wear glasses!" thats sucks, but hopefully you feel better soon :)

Bean said...

I don't have to wear glasses. The glasses just make things sharper and I can see more detail from far away. He said I can take my divers test without glasses and pass.It's just a small correction to help with my astigmatism and headaches.

Jeff and Holly said...

next time you need glasses, I can hook you up at our cost :)

Jeff and Holly said...

I now have 6 pairs of sunglasses. I LOVE THEM!!!! Polarized ones are the best. I can't go outside without them.