Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where's Waldo Activity

We played Where's Waldo in the mall for a YW activity. The YW had to find eight adults from our ward. We each were assigned certain stores we had to wander around in for an hour while the girls looked for us. Lexie's group was the only one who found me. The rest of the girls walked past me several times not knowing it was me.

Our little group
My friend Angela Powell
Me and my friend Beck Mickelson
Ginny Johnson dressed like a crazy old lady.
YW Pres. Gwyn she is always so happy.
Megan Reeves, Lexie and HannaVonStrahl the only girls who found me.


Jeff and Holly said...

What a wonderfully fun idea! I love it :)

gwyn said...

Woah. That is one CRAZY LADY picture of me! No one should be that happy. :) It was an awesome activity, though. Loved your pretty long hair!

Whitmer Family said...

OH.MY.GOSH! I love these pictures. It took me a while to guess Becky, and Paul, but the rest I could get by looking at their faces. So cute!