Thursday, June 19, 2008

She's Here!

Anja went in to be induced at 6:30 this morning. Tim and Anja wanted me to film the birth of their baby girl, so after getting the kids ready this morning I left for the hospital. I arrived at the hospital at 9:00 and Anja was still at a two. I was only there for two hours and she had her baby. I can't believe how fast her labor was. Anja went from a two to a ten in only two hours. What a lucky Lady! Thank you so much Tim and Anja for letting share this day with you. Kardyn is a beautiful little girl and she is so blessed to have you two for parents.

1 comment:

Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

Yeah! I am so excited! THat is so fun! I am glad that you got to be there for her!