Thursday, May 5, 2011

Palmyra New York

In Aug of 2003 we went on a trip with our good friends the Collins to Palmyra New York. We were able to see the Smith farm and where Joseph Smith grew up. I wanted to post about this trip because it was my favorite. Travis and I have been to the Bahamas, Cancun, Hawaii, and many other fun places, but this trip was by far the best!

This is the Smith home and a picture of the Palmyra temple. Rooms in the Smith home. This is the fence where Joseph Smith collapsed after seeing the Angel Moroni.

The Hill Cumorah pageant

Hill Cumorah

Niagra Falls


Anja said...

Awww...I've been there a few times, and I love the Hill Cumorah pagent, it's so fun!

families are forever said...

I have wanted to go on a Church history trip for the longest time!!!! Now I want to go even more!

Grandma Dixie said...

Wow, didn't know you had been to the church sites in New York! The photos indicate you had a great time. That's someplace I would like to see, but it's very unlikely I ever will. Your photos are wonderful!