Monday, May 16, 2011

My Biggest Pet Peeve!

I have a major pet peeve and it's people who lie. I hate lying! Why do people choose to be dishonest and deceitful? Don't they understand that they are not only hurting people around them, they are hurting themselves. People who lie aren't trust worthy, or dependable, they are just plain selfish and cowardly.
I went to and typed lying in the search field and this is some info I found; "The seriousness of lying is not measured only in injury or pain inflicted on the one deceived. Lying also has a devastating effect on the perpetrator. It robs the liar of self-respect and deadens his or her ability to recognize the difference between truth and error. When a lie is told often enough, even the one who knowingly spreads it may begin to believe it."

When telling a lie your nose may not grow like Pinocchio's did when he was dishonest, but it will hurt you in the end. Everything has a consequence! I have been lied to many times and it really hurts. I have a really hard time trusting or believing people who have lied, it makes me really sad. I'm not saying that I'm perfect and that I have never told a lie because I have. I know how telling a lie feels and have made it a goal to do my best to be honest with my words and actions.
"We believe in being honest. …” (A of F 1:13.) So begins our last article of faith. But what does “being honest” mean? Does it simply mean refraining from cheating, stealing, and lying? Or does it go beyond these fundamentals? Does it not also include being truthful, shunning gossip, obeying traffic laws, following through on promises, and avoiding deception of any kind?" (
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”. (not my quote)
I got a comment from someone saying I was being a hypocrite for taking credit for all the words in this post and that wasn't my intention. I apologize. Next time I will be more careful.

1 comment:

Robert and Jill said...

Of course you weren't meaning to be dishonest! You are the most honest person. This is your personal blog! Who (anonymous) on earth would care about critiquing your personal "diary". Get a life! We know you wouldn't try to take credit for someones else's stuff.