Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall Swag Craft

My friend Becky Mickelson planned to get the girls together for a craft night at her house every Thursday night. I was so happy to hear that she was doing this because it's something I needed and would look forward to every week. That Thursday I went and bought my fabric and came home. I got cleaning and organizing my kids rooms and then I did something stupid, I tried to move a huge monitor and desk by myself and ruptured a disk in my back. OUCH! I have never had that much pain in my life! I couldn't stand, sit, or lie down. Travis had to wheel me into the hospital and they put me on pain pills and pills for nausea because pain pills make me sick. They told me that they believe I ruptured a disk in my back and wanted to do a MRI but I knew we couldn't afford to do one so I told them I wanted to go home and wait it out. When I got home I rested for a while and then Jeremy and Travis gave me a nice blessing and I believe that it's because of that blessing that I'm doing as well as I am today. Well back to the craft, I finally was able to make the fall swag that I was suppose to make the day I got injured. I think it turned out really cute and I'm excited for the craft we will be doing tomorrow!


mama_g said...

So glad to hear you are doing better. Love the craft.

Anja said...

look at you go crafy girl! I'm glad your feeling better though, I'm sorry your not doing well, looks like I'm the one who needs to come and watch your kids! love ya!

families are forever said...

Praying you continue to get better. hugs