Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Back Injury

Last Thursday I was cleaning and organizing the kids rooms. Allison had been wanting her own room. She spent a good part of Wednesday moving all Travis' stuff out of his office by herself so that she can move in. While she was at school on Thursday I decided to go and move the desk and computer out and surprise Allison with a new room. I picked up the monitor and went to put it down and I bent forward and OUCH! I hurt my back. It hurt to stand, sit, and lay down. I thought I was going to be a cripple for the rest of my life. I had never before experienced such pain. I called Travis and he came home and took me to the hospital. He wheeled me in and I sat there as he made my appointment. I didn't have my license with me and they wouldn't admit me until I had it, so Travis had to run home and get it. Meanwhile I had to sit there in the waiting room in a uncomfortable wheel chair for twenty minutes in extreme agony. I finally went in and saw the doctor. The pain was going down both my legs into my toes. They were sure that I ruptured a disk in my back and they wanted me to get a MRI. I told them that I didn't want a MRI because we couldn't afford to get one and that I wanted to go home and wait it out. The doctor gave me a bunch of pain medication and sent me home. The doctor said I wouldn't last 24 hours in the condition I was in and thought she would be seeing me again soon. When I got home a slept for a few hours and then Travis and Jeremy gave me a priesthood blessing. I know that it's because of that blessing that I'm feeling as well as I am today. I know that I didn't just pull my back out, I really injured it. Heavenly Father blessed me and my family. I didn't go through any more pain, I didn't have to get a MRI or possibly surgery that we couldn't afford. I know that Heavenly Father knows and loves me. I'm so thankful for the Priesthood and that I was able to receive a blessing. I'm so thankful to be a member of such a loving ward family, I'm thankful for sweet friends who brought my family meals and took care of me when I need help. I'm so very blessed!

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