Thursday, September 23, 2010


I was cleaning up my family room today and stepped on this tack. It went all the way into my foot and it hurt so bad! I remembered this same thing happened to my friend Anja when she was in my family room years ago. I remember how she didn't want anyone to pull it out and I laughed when she told me to take a picture of it before pulling it. I didn't want to pull the tack out of my foot because it hurt. When I finally got brave enough to do it, I grabbed it and removed it as fast as I could so it wouldn't hurt so bad! Now my foot is throbbing with pain.

This is the picture I took of Anja with the tack in her foot.


Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

OUCH! I remember when that happened to Anja. So sad and now you. :( I am sorry and hope your foot feels better... soon.

Anja said...

LOL! Oh man that is so funny...not for our poor feetsies though...funny that it's happened twice and we actually took pictures of it :) Miss you tons!