Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Busy Day

Today was a pretty busy day. I woke up this morning and got the kids ready for school. After dropping the kids off, I came home and organized the book shelf in my family room, cleaned the house, and did laundry. Then I remembered while doing all this that I promised Lexie some Cinnamon rolls. I made the dough and then mowed the lawn while waiting for the dough to rise. The Cinnamon rolls turned out so yummy and the kids were very happy to find them hot and ready for them when they came home.

I also decided to go out and make a little area for my pet turtle Faith. She was getting to be too big for her aquarium and now that the weather is nice, I thought she might like being outside. I went and got these heavy brick stones from the top of my long driveway and hauled them to the front yard. It was so hard and my hands are all scratchy now from the stones, but I think it turned out pretty nice. I hope that Faith likes it!


Savannah said...

HOW CUTE! Love the little turtle area! I love turtles! I need to meet Faith!

Kellie said...

I think your turtle area turned out really cute and your cinamon rolls look really yummy also!

nena said...

OH MY.. those cinamon rolls looked really, really good! You are amazing!! What else do you do between cleaning and mowing the lawn?

Robert and Jill said...

All in a days work. You squeezed in the rolls for your kids. You are a great mom. Cute idea for your turtle.

Francis Family said...

Well look at you go!!! Those cinnamon rolls look delicious!!! I bet Faith is going to love her new home!!

Whitmer Family said...

Holy Moly! You are awesome, I love the turtle space, and delicious lookin' cinnamon rolls!

families are forever said...

Sounds like a busy but wonderful day!!!!

Sonnet said...

YUM YUM YUM!!!! I think my hips got bigger looking at them though.

Jeff and Holly said...

Can you say... SUPER MOM! You are my hero