Five years ago today, we got the surprise we had hoped for, our second boy was born. When I was pregnant with Bryson, Travis and I decided that we weren't going to find out the sex of the baby. I found out what I was having with everyone of my pregnancies. And because this was going to be my last pregnancy, we thought it would be fun to have this one be a surprise. Travis and I really wanted a boy, we already had three girls and we wanted Ethan to have a brother. The fifth pregnancy was the hardest! I got big really fast, I was very emotional, and my labor was the longest and most painful. I had a strong feeling we were going to have a boy, so towards the end of my pregnancy, I was buying clothes and bedding for a baby boy. Travis started to get upset with me because he was positive we were having a girl and told me that I'm getting everyone excited for a boy when he knew we were having a girl. I went into Rouge Valley Hospital on the 8th of Nov. 2006. The whole time I was in there up until minutes before I had the baby Travis was telling the doctor and the nurses that we were having a girl. Bryson was born November 9Th at 8:00 in the morning. You should have see the look on Travis' face. He was so happy! He told me that he felt like running around the hospital room screaming like if his favorite team won the world series, but better. I was in tears. The little boy that I wanted so bad was resting in my arms and he was perfect! I'm so very thankful for Bryson and the joy he brings to my life. He is always there to cheer me up with his air kisses, his hearts he makes with his hands, flowers, when holding his had he squeezes mine three times to tell me he loves me. He loves to go shopping with me and tells me all the time I'm beautiful and that he loves me all the way to Nana's house. Happy 5Th Birthday Bryson. I love you all the way to Nana's house!
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