Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm Thankful For Loving Parents

Today I'm thankful for my parents and their love for me and my family. Last Wednesday my parents started their long trip to Oregon. They made it here yesterday afternoon before the kids got home from school. My kids had no idea that that their Nana and Papa were coming for a visit so they were all very surprised to see them when they walked in the door.
 I went to pick Lexie up from school and had my parents in the back. When she got in the car it took her a little while to see them in the back of the car. She was so happy and surprised to see her Nana and Papa. Lexie said that earlier that day she found two lucky pennies on the ground, and it turned out to be a very lucky day.
Thanks Mom and Dad for always finding time to drive so far out to visit me. I love you!!

1 comment:

mama_g said...

What a wonderful surprise, glad your parents could help out. :)