I miss our lawn maintenance guys! It is so hard to keep up on yard work. I love being outside and believe it or not I love to mow the lawn. It's just really hard at my house! Our yard is pretty big. It's over a 1/2 an acre and I get very tired after mowing just the one side of my back lawn shown in this picture. It was so over grown that I had to mow it yesterday and then I got up early this morning to mow it again. I got my whole yard done except for the side strips going down my long driveway. I think I will leave that little bit for Travis to do. Now I just need to weed! We don't have sprinklers, so during the summer I have to drag sprinklers around trying to keep my lawn green and that's no easy task. No matter how hard I try to water my lawn it' starts to look like fall at my house in July. I guess I should stop complaining and enjoy my green yard while I still can.

I miss your pretty yard. I love it! Awe it looks like summer there already and so green! I miss oregon!
Yeah our lawn is lush & green right now. Then it will get hot & ill have patches of yellow. Do what we did. We are on half an acre but half of it is lawn & half is garden. hehe
Kathlene I am using Sonnets user name so I can tell you to invite me to your blog. Hope you see this...... Aunt Nena P.S. LOVE the family pic at the top of your blog! WAAAY tooo cute!!
not too good at this.. so PSS
Email is nblauer@gmail.com
Thanks for the invite! Have a great Birthday and do something fun!!! When are you coming for a visit. We are getting snow. ugh
Love Aunt Nena
That IS a lot of yard!!! I wish I had a yard... and I swear I won't bad talk it once I do!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
I would trade my tiny rock-filled back yard for your big grassy back yard any day!
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