Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bryson's Buzz

Bryson has been watching Toy Story for the past few months, it is the only movie that he will actually sit still for. He loves that movie!! All my other kids are so sick of watching it, I think Lexie even threatened to hide it the other day. This is a picture of Bryson on Christmas day. He was so sick, he had a high fever and a rash on his face. The only things that helped comfort him that day was his sniffies (of course) and his new Buzz action figure. Bryson could barely talk on Christmas because of how sick he was and while I was holding him he told me in a soft, weak, voice " Mom.. I want Buzz" It was so sad to see him so sick but I'm glad that he likes his Buzz and that it could be their to comfort my little boy.


Savannah said...

Hey! I just got your note from facebook emailed to me! (I can't access facebook at work) My party is actually tomorrow night at 7pm at my house! So if you can come, that would be great! Feel free to invite anyone! I'd love to see you there!

Lindsey said...

We just went on Buzz Lightyear's ride yesterday at Disney World twice! Bryson would have loved it!!

Anonymous said...

hay, blurb will, when they updated their system, they didn't fix the codes. so when they update again it will be on there... don't know when though... I've heard of LuLu.com.. if I hear of any others I'll let you know.

Jeff and Holly said...

Poor Baby, I know how he feels. I have been sick for weeks. I hope he is better fast, or since this was probably posted days ago, I hope he IS better.