Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Going Nuts Over Peanuts

I'm getting very tired of picking up packing peanuts! Travis has been very busy with his eBay business and he has his packing materials upstairs in a pile. Bryson is always getting into Travis' Pile of packing materials and it drives me crazy. He loves playing with the packing peanuts! They are always all over the place. I have even found a packing peanut stuck up in Bryson's nose. Packing peanuts are very hard to clean up. It's even harder to clean them up when they are in pieces. They stick to everything they touch and then you find yourself walking around with packing peanuts stuck to you. Once they are finally cleaned up and put away, Bryson finds them and then we have another mess to clean.


Anonymous said...

I HATE those things too!!! they do static cling to EVERYTHING!! so annoying.

mama_g said...

I hate cleaning the peanuts up too! Hunter likes to get into the bubble wrap and pop it all, but I got a video of him playing with that Easter grass once over the furnace vent when he was about 2 years old. He couldn't stop laughing because it would just keep flying up. It was funny.

Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

You have too much fun. Wow. You guys are sure busy. It looks like you get alot of family time now and that is so awesome. You and travis are getting more time together and that is so awesome!!! I Miss you guys terribly. Will you give eachother hugs for me. I am sad if you go to disneyland cause we can't come. Aaron has a conference and then we would only have three days. Crappy. But we need to plan a fun vavcation soon. Maybe if you guys plan to go anywhere maybe we can meet or something somewhere. Go camping or go somewhere fun like the beach. I "HEART" you all so much! I love reading the blog cause I get to see you. I will try to be better at it. k. Love you!