Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Laundy Never Ends

I absolutely hate doing laundry! Laundry is never finished at my house, it just keeps on coming. If I don't keep on top of it everyday, it will take over my home. During spring break I played too much and didn't keep up with my laundry. Yesterday I had to pay for my laziness because I was doing laundry all day. I had Laundry coming out of my ears and it's still not finished. When I wash my kids clothes I always find little treasures in the washer and the dryer. Can you guess who's pockets all of this came from? If you haven't already figured it out it was Ethan's. Ethan goes around my house and collects everything. You need to make sure all your money is hidden well around here because if you don't Ethan will find it. After taking this picture I had a load of laundry come out with at least four dollars worth of quarters in it. I have talked to Ethan about taking money that doesn't belong to him and he apologized and then told me that he just likes to collect money. Ethan also likes to collect keys, batteries, locks and small toys. I try to get these treasures out of his clothes before I wash them but I always seem to find extra stuff in with my laundry.


Trina said...

Laundry is so much easier for me since the kids started doing it! :) Ok, well, I get it all the way through the washer & dryer to the basket, but my older girls take turns folding and putting it all away (I do help if it piles up too much). It's definitely one of my favorite perks of big kids!

Maybe you could make a family vacation jar for Ethan to put his "finds" in! Four dollars in quarters - that's hilarious!!

Kellie said...

I know what you mean about never being done with the laundry! I do pretty good about washing it but putting it away is always a chore!