Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm A Mess

Lexie's friend was over spending the night last night, and we were watching a show about over weight people. I was thinking out loud and I said that I needed to lose a little weight. Lexie's friend over heard me and laughed. She said that she knows some people who would be so happy to be my size. Shortly after complementing me she said in a very surprised voice" They want to look like you and you are messy." I couldn't believe that Lexie's little friend thinks I have a messy look. Have I reached that stage in my life where I have let myself go? Are my kids and their friends embarrassed with how I look? I wonder how many other people look at me and think I'm a mess. I wish I had someone to help me with my look! I don't want people thinking that I have let myself go.


Unknown said...

Messy? What in the h is that kid talking about. Kathleen you look great dont worry about what other people say or think.

Anonymous said...

you know how kids are.... they don't really know whats going on around them, unless it involves things they are into... I mean you're no Hannah Montana, but who wants to look like her!!?? You're super hot... 5 kids, and all...

Savannah said...

Haha! That is too funny! I can't believe she said you're a mess! Maybe she meant your house is messy? But that couldn't be true either, its ALWAYS spotless! You have definitely NOT let yourself go. You dress better, look better, and are skinnier than me (even if I weren't pregnant) and I'm only on kid one! You have nothing to worry about.

Francis Family said...

Kathlene, you are perfectly fine...and definitely not a mess! She was probably trying to sound smart and it certainly didn't come out that way.

Sonnet said...

You have never let yourself go! Are you kidding me!!??! You are one woman I know that has ALWAYS worked on her looks & you look! Kids!!!!!!!!!

Anja said...

oh whatever, don't take it to heart, she's just a kid, you look great!

Robert and Jill said...

Kids don't know what they're talking about. You could wear a gunny sack and look great. You have always been beautiful inside and out.

Jeff and Holly said...

You let yourself go, No way! You are beautiful! You are one of the most put together people I know. Messy, I don't think so. I could learn a lot from you!
Ports is always keeping me humble. Little turkey thinks I'm fat! Don't you just love the things that come out of the mouth of babes :0)